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Uganda’s fragmented political opposition parties have failed to outpoll National Resistance Movement (NRM) in the countrys successive elections since 1996 save for 2006 when the then Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) defeated NRM in the third round of the presidential elections by then Kisoro voted Museveni 100%.

A coalition of opposition political parties is presumably seen as the only formidable force which appears to be the only hope for many longing for political change in Uganda President Museveni’s rule has been characterized by massive company closures, deteriorating public health facilities, increased poverty levels and high unemployment, rate and weakening commodity prices among a plethora of other social and economic ills.

The diplomatic crisis between Rwanda and Uganda is beginning to catch more fire as CMI  recruits more RNC rebels to cause a war on Rwanda after both countries agreed to implement an agreement signed in the Angolan capital Luanda in August, president Museveni has remained defiant and continued to mobilise for serious which is angering people of Kisoro who share in common with Rwandans social and historical background.

President Kagame has tried all means of seeking a way to ease hostilities and the trade and travel restrictions that began earlier in 2018 but Museveni is not doing anything but rather supporting more rebel groups trying to overthrow Rwanda’s regime.

Bafubira (residents of KISORO) are not happy with Museveni for ignoring the MoU which underlines the scale of Pan Africanism and is vital to our social economic development. Our two countries have long historic socio-economic and cultural ties and the closure of borders has disrupted communities, separated families and disrupted trade and movement of goods and people but Museveni is not losing anything but he is happy with suffering of Bafumbira.

The arrest of Gen Kayihura is also another key factor for opposition growth in Kisoro, In people’s reactions, they said Kayihura has been championing developmental inititatives in Kisoro district which no any other citizen can do them, the failure of Museveni to deliver JKIST university has also angered the local natives hence giving opposition chance.

Kisoro District being stronghold of Philemon Mateke, Uganda’s Minister of Regional Cooperation. Several reports have implicated Mateke as a major actor in the Ugandan regime’s plot to destabilize Rwanda, which included facilitating, recruiting for, and partnering in all kinds of ways with anti-Rwanda terrorist groups like RNC, FDLR, RUD and others and this is known by locals and as of now even drunkard go home charting no vote for Museveni.

Mateke, as the most influential NRM man in Kisoro, he has also turned the district into one of the most hostile places against Rwandan nationals and allying with hostile Banyankole enemies to block Gen Kayihura to return home, which is more angering the young generation to stand up earlier and defend their homeland.



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